Q& 2023年4月6日

认识我们的数据解决方案团队:A Q&A与克里斯蒂·威洛比

作为街灯数据科学团队的高级经理, 雅各布斯的子公司, Christy Willoughby oversees the creation of data products and metrics that support the 路灯的洞察力®平台.

The metrics they create can be used to derive insights into the travel patterns of vehicles, 自行车, 行人与交通.

加州居民, 克里斯蒂与她的丈夫和两个年幼的女儿住在一起, 她一直在欣赏雅各布斯旧金山办公室的美景. 


总的来说,是什么让你对街灯数据/雅各布斯感到兴奋呢, 特别是作为发散解决方案团队的一员?

I'm passionate about data-driven decision making and the climate green tech space, 我相信建筑更安全, 为社区提供更绿色和优化的交通网络. 正规博彩十大网站排名 has a global reach and proven history of building high-impact infrastructure. 作为发散解决方案团队的一员, StreetLight的产品可以进一步扩大正在进行的项目的成功. 

Can you tell us about a project you’ve participated in that you’re especially proud of? 

One of the many projects we have at StreetLight includes building a historical repository of modeled traffic volumes for every road across the U.S. 和加拿大. This baseline metric can provide a foundation for a multitude of derived insights, 例如估计的车辆排放, but it can also uncover changes in the activity and movement of travel patterns over time. 

在路灯, we take time to rigorously test our metrics and establish acceptable error metrics before we deliver insights to customers. 我们看到了回报, as customers frequently are impressed when their own validations of our data excel. 我们看到的不仅仅是我们的流量指标, 但是用我们的转身计数动作, 速度, 等.

What do you see as some of the top benefits that data solutions can provide to clients?

在做交通决策时, 客户可以从数据中受益,帮助他们设计道路系统, 例如. 这可能是车辆的典型速度, traffic routing behavior or even aggregate demographic information for the travel patterns. But this type of information can require time and labor to deploy custom mechanical sensors or to set up traveler surveys. Our data solutions provide visibility into large scale trends that can be otherwise difficult to observe and measure. 


在我的职业生涯中,我很欣赏那些整体性和专注性的建议. 对我来说, this means approaching problems strategically and being intentional of where focus and work is and isn’t needed. 它意味着强调“更聪明地工作”,而不是“更努力地工作”。. It also entails prioritizing wellness, because productivity follows from a healthy body. 


我们一直在寻找有活力和敬业精神的人加入我们的团队. 带上你的激情,你的聪明才智和你的远见. 

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