BeyondZero BeyondZero
新闻稿 2020年3月30日


达拉斯2020年3月30日/美通社/—— 正规博彩十大网站排名 (纽约证券交易所代码:J)全球社会正面临着前所未有的危机. 自今年1月以来, 正规博彩十大网站排名 has taken the following steps in the face of COVID-19 to ensure the safety 和 well-being of our people 和 communities, 同时履行对客户的承诺.


正规博彩十大网站排名,我们注重人. 作为我们 关怀文化, 我们团结全球员工,营造一个重视安全的工作场所, 积极的心理健康和包容所有员工. 很明显,COVID-19的社区传播速度是无与伦比的, 我们很早就出发了, 在两个关键领域采取果断行动,帮助努力使病毒曲线趋于平缓:

  • We moved swiftly to restrict travel 和 this restriction will remain in place until it is deemed safe by the global health organizations. 对于曾经出国旅行的员工特别是去过高风险国家的员工, we established return protocols for both client-related 和 personal travel to ensure the safety 和 well-being of others.
  • We successfully executed a maximum remote working environment to support physical distancing 和 are leveraging technology 和 optimizing our networks to facilitate flexible work scenarios for our people, 从而确保业务连续性和与客户的持续合作.
  • 当我们从办公室搬到家里时,我们采取了强有力的措施 BeyondZero 安全文化与我们同在,为我们的团队创造和维护一个安全的工作环境. 作为其中的一部分, 积极的心理健康是最重要的, 和 we are encouraging 和 facilitating regular check-ins with our colleagues to collaborate 和 uplift each other during this uncertain time.


雅各布斯的大部分工作都是支持必要的和关键任务的活动, 这些团队在支持客户减轻疫情蔓延方面发挥着不可或缺的作用, 开发疫苗和治疗方法, 确保世界各国和社区的安全. Where the essential 和 mission-critical nature of our work requires us to maintain staff at certain sites or locations, we are working 关闭ly with our clients 和 have established project-specific plans to ensure the safety of our people 和 the integrity of the operation.

我们还积极支持为解决这一流行病带来的逐步挑战而作出的努力.  与我们的客户合作, 我们的一些联邦和地方政府合同正在重新侧重于COVID-19应对活动, 包括联邦应急管理局和美国.S. 工程兵团支持在美国的热点地区建立流动医院单位.S.; healthcare operations planning in the U.K., Australia 和 New Zeal和; concept design for COVID-19 vaccine 和 therapy manufacturing facilities; engineering support to increase production of ventilators; 和 cyber security support in response to increased threats during the p和emic.



  • 正规博彩十大网站排名 is donating $1 million towards the COVID-19 crisis to help global organizations on the frontline of fighting this p和emic, 包括一项本地员工匹配计划.
  • 支持我们的全球捐赠活动, 雅各布斯的高管已经同意减薪10%,立即生效, 雅各布斯的董事会也是如此, 谁将相应减少10%的现金补偿.
  • 我们在世界各地的现场团队从事操作和维护, 退役和去污活动捐赠了多余的口罩, 手套和其他物资送到当地医院.


这一流行病影响到我们所有人——年轻人或老年人、富人或穷人、城市或农村. Never more so than today do our core values provide the clear framework for our decision-making at 正规博彩十大网站排名:  We do things right. 我们挑战公认的. 我们志存高远. 我们生活在包容之中.

I am truly inspired by the actions 和 sacrifices we are making as a collective global community in the face of this p和emic. To see people across the world pitching in 和 helping each other in ways big 和 small fills me with confidence 和 optimism for the future.




在雅各布, 我们今天面临的挑战是,通过解决世界上最关键的问题,重塑城市的明天, 有弹性的环境, 关键任务的结果, 业务发展, 科学发现和尖端制造, 把抽象的想法变成现实,永远改变世界. 营收130亿美元,员工超过55人,000, 雅各布斯提供全方位的专业服务,包括咨询, 技术, 为政府和私营部门提供科学和项目交付. 访问 正规博彩十大网站排名.com 和雅各布斯联系 脸谱网InstagramLinkedIn 和 推特.


Certain statements contained in this press release constitute forward-looking statements as such term is defined in Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, 修订的, 以及1934年证券交易法第21E条, 修订的, 而这样的声明是为了被同样提供的安全港所覆盖. 本新闻稿中不以历史事实为依据的陈述均为前瞻性陈述. We base these forward-looking statements on management's current estimates 和 expectations as well as currently available competitive, 金融和经济数据. 然而,前瞻性陈述本身具有不确定性. There are a variety of factors that could cause business results to differ materially from our forward-looking statements, 包括, 但不限于, the impact of the COVID-19 p和emic 和 the related reaction of governments on global 和 regional market conditions 和 the company's business. For a description of some additional factors that may occur that could cause actual results to differ from our forward-looking statements, 请看我们截至9月27日的10-K表格年度报告, 2019, 和 in particular the discussions contained under Item 1 - Business; Item 1A - Risk Factors; Item 3 - Legal Proceedings; 和 Item 7 - Management's Discussion 和 Analysis of Financial Condition 和 Results of Operations, 以及该公司向美国证券交易委员会(Securities 和 Exchange Commission)提交的其他文件. The company is not under any duty to update any of the forward-looking statements after the date of this press release to conform to actual results, 除非适用法律要求.





Marietta Hannigan, 214-920-8035




